raging inferno [m/o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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pokken rider, hendie
he, him, his
september 16th
xo xo
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hendrix
hendrix emmerson
raging inferno [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 19:39:39 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
 The blue sky is blotted out by smoke trailing off dangerously close to Petalburg Woods. Pokken Rider grimaces as he darts towards the flame, fearing what might happen if it spreads into the forest and the damage it might cause to the ecosystem.

Watts spark off from his boots as he runs, but without a vehicle or pokemon he can ride, he’s still limited in how fast he can actually move despite his minor enhancements. ”Bzzt. You’re almost there, boss.” a voice echoes from his comms.

”Yeah, just gotta hope we can do enough to stop the fire from spreading out.” he utters back, exasperated. He skids to a stop as he sees the raging inferno off in the distance. Taking a fighting stance, he stretches both arms outwards – his palms closed into a fist. ”Hydro Pump!”

As he yells, his vizor briefly glows red as the Liquid the Rotom speaks out from his comms. "Yes, sir!”. A panel pops outward from his gauntlets, revealing small barrels underneath as water begins to spout outwards. Suddenly a torrent of water sprays out, hosing down some of the flames in front of him. Yet, despite the wave of water being shot out, it’s not enough to quench the flames.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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raging inferno [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 6:13:20 GMT
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Was it right place at the wrong time or wrong place at the right time for Yujin? It seemed like she had a way to keep getting into trouble of some sort. It was probably her own fault, with her damned martyr streak not letting her just leave things be.

It's how she found herself out in the fire, woefully unprepared but still willing to do what she could. It was hot, hot enough to remind her of the ash and rot from Kanto, but she had always been good to pushing that aside until later. She would need a drink tonight.

"Prix, Rain Dance!" The Marill was barely out of her ball before she started to shimmy and sway, eyes glowing blue as concentrated rain clouds started to grow overhead. It wouldn't be enough on it's own to put the fire out but it would help. "Now Bubblebeam!" The blue mouse took a deep breath and did what she could with her stream of bubbles; it certainly wasn't close to what a Hydro Pump could do.

Which, in her efforts to halt this herself, Yujin didn't notice the weird cosplayer right away. It wasn't until she happened to see the attack out of the corner of her eye that she noticed him at all.

"Hey!" Her voice carried over the flames and she rushed for him, figuring if he was fighting them that two heads would be better than one. Even if he was dressed weird. A sudden cry made her skid to a halt, head jerking to the side.

"Robo-dude! I think there's a kid in there! Cover me!" Which is all she barks out before charging off into the flames.
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pokken rider, hendie
he, him, his
september 16th
xo xo
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
196 posts
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TAG WITH @hendrix
hendrix emmerson
raging inferno [m/o]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 21:22:25 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
 The sky above suddenly darks and droplets of rain begin falling from the sky, pattering away against his suit. He looks upwards, sighing in relief as fortune seems to be turning in his favor; yet just as he looks away from the flames for the briefest of moments, he hears a voice suddenly call out to him.

Looking down, he sees a young girl suddenly charging through the flames as Pokken Rider is left speechless. ”Bzzt, boss, you there? A girl just ran into the fire.”

Liquid’s voice brings the hero back to reality as he curses loudly, chasing after her. He slams his open palms outwards, blasting away the fire in front of them with another hydro pump as he quickly trails behind her. There’s a loud creak above them as a large flaming branch seems to break apart from one of the nearby trees, falling towards the girl.

I’m not going to make it in time! Pokken Rider thinks to himself when suddenly electricity sparks off from his gauntleted fist. His eyes widen and he grins beneath his helmet, punching his fist outwards as a surge of electricity bursts out, blasting away the falling branch.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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raging inferno [m/o]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 1:14:09 GMT
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Okay, seemed like this guy was more than just some weird cosplayer. Not only did the guy have balls to chase her in here but he was actually helping to clear the path! Yijun did yelp at the electricity, her focus so narrowed in on finding her target that she hadn't even noticed right away that the branch was falling for her. Honestly, she was kind of a disaster with good intentions.

There was a high pitched crying coming from nearby which Yijun honed in on. A large tree that was in flames, a heavy branch having fallen in front of it. There seemed to be some sort of hollow that was being blocked by the branch, the crying coming from behind it. She didn't hesitate to latch onto it and try to shove it out of the way, only managing to barely move it on her own. She was strong for her size and height but not that strong.

"I think the kid's behind this! Give me a hand!" She barked out at the weirdo, knowing he was following. From under a crack in the log, a little hand shot out, showing that there was indeed someone back there.

"H-hello? Is someone t-there?"

"We got you, kid! Hang on a little longer!"
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